Essential reframe for rest

Oct 20, 2024

If this is you...

"I feel guilty when I rest"

"I was taught rest is lazy"

"I cant sit down, I get bored"

"My mind amps up by 10x when I try to do nothing"

*tries to rest - ends up cleaning entire house*


It is essential for your health & energy, that you change your relationship with rest. It is as non-negotiable as breathing (the side affects just come on quicker when you stop breathing👀).

Hustle culture, your upbringing, societal beliefs, self worth & your behaviours can all contribute to this dis-ease with resting. It is self-sabotage. Your body deserves better.

This is what I want you to do:

Do whatever you need to do to remember "rest is productive"...write it as an affirmation, stick it on your fridge or tattoo it on your forehead🤷🏻‍♀️

You probably struggle to rest because you don't recognise it as productive, maybe you think it's lazy? This is what needs to fundamentally change.

Why is this true?:

In strength training, you rest in between sets - so that you can get the most out of your efforts.

Athletes put A LOT of time in to rest & recovery. This is because they know they cannot perform their best if they don't support their body getting good restoration.

When rest is not honoured, you end up doing more, but at a lower quality. The outcome is worse, even though you have put more energy in. Accidents are more likely.

This is called the law of diminishing returns. It is true for athletes but it is also true for day to day life.

More is not better. It is often worse.

What is the point of doing more if you are functioning at 50/ 40/ 30%? When you could rest fully & function at 90 - 100% for less time investment?

You get more out of your time, more bang for your buck, when you can feel okay about resting.

& that takes me on to my next point...

just going through the motions isn't enough. You need to actually connect with why its important, why you deserve it & how to do it best for you.

If you have struggles with your relationship with rest (you are not alone) & need more support check out this podcast episode🫶🏼 (click).

 See below for a visual of the law of diminishing returns: 

Remember That the Law of Diminishing Returns Also Applies to Your Project  Management Efforts – Ricardo Viana Vargas

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