Being present will support recovery
Sep 04, 2023Before I learnt & experienced what "being present" was, I thought it was a load of s**t. I didn't see why it was important or how it would help me recover. It felt like one of those "airy fairy" things.
But since going through CFS I have realised how powerful it is for healing but life generally!
Being present is another way of saying "paying attention to the present moment". It allows you to take a break from your worries, anxieties, regrets, doubts, made up stories and anything else that is consuming your mind.
If you think about it you spend the majority of your time somewhere else mentally. Even if it causes you stress. Peace is found in the present moment. Connection is found in the present moment. And healing is found in the present moment.
Presence gives you time out from your mind. It allows you to slow down time & get consumed with what happening now rather than the "what if's?" or "I'll be happy when's".
It's unrealistic to assume we will be present 24/7, thats not the point. If you were present all the time you wouldn't get much done. But if you can increase the moment throughout your day when you just take a breath & focus on the here and now...even for just a few seconds, this will make a big difference to your stress levels.
Some ways to be present are: conscious breathing, smelling essential oil, singing, cold shower, acupressure mat etc.
Usually things that stimulate your senses.
With CFS it can be hard to be present because the present moment isn't always nice, for example if your body is in pain or your having a flare, but the alternative is you don't practice being present & guarantee yourself discomfort throughout never allowing your body to heal.
Being present will allow you to better feel your emotions, understand your body and cultivate self compassion...
all of which are requisites for healing from CFS.